Big Comeback

Well… this is awkward…

It’s been a couple years and frankly, dear Blog, I forgot you existed. But then one day you magically popped up on my screen when I went into Google Friend Connect for the first time and I read my old posts and fell in love with you again. I have had a few blogs in my time but you, you have the catchiest web name of them all, and I promise not to leave you again for at least… three more posts.

A little update since I have been away. I got the job I applied for in 2009, which I will heretofore refer to as “Dream Job”. It challenges me to my limits every day (sometimes beyond!). Dream job has turned up more career opportunities than any previous job, and in September I registered for a part-time PhD, and simultaneously got a Bullshit Promotion (you know, a better title and more responsibility with no pay rise). But overall, it’s a positive part of my life.

In July, I got married to the love of my life (blog name to follow). We will be together forever and ever, because I swear on everything holy I will never go through the wedding planning process again. That was hell, but the wedding day was perfect.
I am still living in London, with my wife and dog. Hitting the big 3-0 this year, so I reckon I will be using this space to reflect, or whinge, or plan for the future….

A photo from the wedding…

About mamadeux

Just another lesbian trying to get pregnant!
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