I’m going to be a Dad! & other bits

Random stuff this post, so I’ll bullet point:

  • Since the scan last week we told: three of my work colleagues who were super surprised and lost their various bets as to who was next to be pregnant in the team (At the start of last year, we were 7 professional women in early 30s who were married or in long-term relationships with no children. Now two are now in late pregnancy, and I (by proxy) count as number 3. It is only a matter of time before the rest fell…)
  • One colleague slapped my face several times with excitement when she found out.
  • I also told a fellow PhD student who is 17 weeks pregnant herself. Her first statement was “Oh my god, you’re going to be a… Dad!?”  Errr… not quite!
  • We spent Easter at the seaside. We stayed with our friend, and told her Mum & also her 6 year old daughter. Her Mum cried happy tears for us, and her daughter said “I can’t wait to tell my friend Eleanor!” We hope that Eleanor is also excited.
  • I did an easy 10 mile run along the coast and felt rejuvenated and happy afterwards. The sun was out, and despite the chilly temps it is finally starting to feel like Spring. It’s amazing how a good run can clear out the cobwebs…
  • After a really good weekend, marked only by low energy and the odd twinge, Lou has spent today – the last day of holiday – hugging the plastic bowl we have kept beside the bed, but so far haven’t used. Just when we think the morning sickness is gone, back it comes with a vengeance! The worst so far. So much for her plans to cycle to the pool to go for a gentle swim. Sad face.
  • As for me, I am back at work and my Aunt Flo has FINALLY arrived, an alarming 48 days since my last. The age-old question in my household has been answered – Lou has the uterus of steel. Mine is too feeble and weak to withstand her crazy ass pregnancy hormones.


About mamadeux

Just another lesbian trying to get pregnant!
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